U of T's Online Mining Courses
Exploration, Studies, Resources & Reserves
Learning Hours
Course Description
This course aims to provide the participants with a management perspective of the mineral industry, exposing them to strategies, concepts, issues, and solutions that will enable them to become mineral industry leaders. The course will introduce participants to the best practices and practical challenges in mineral exploration, resource and reserve estimation and mineral exploration project valuations.
What you will learn:
Certificate in Exploration, Studies, Resources & Reserves
The University of Toronto, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering will issue this certificate upon course completion. With this certificate, you can maximize your career potential by applying the knowledge you’re gaining to your workplace and mine sites.
What you will learn:
- Differentiate the different stages of a mine life cycle from exploration to closure, and the industry structure where this takes place.
- Identify the basics of exploration, deposit delineation, and mineral resource determination.
- Understand the definitions of Resources and Reserves and be able to differentiate between them.
- Develop a working knowledge of the concept of cut-off grade and its application to MRMR
- Comprehend the importance of disclosure and responsibilities of reporting, including materiality, competence, and transparency
Certificate in Exploration, Studies, Resources & Reserves
The University of Toronto, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering will issue this certificate upon course completion. With this certificate, you can maximize your career potential by applying the knowledge you’re gaining to your workplace and mine sites.
Who should take this course?
This course is ideal for all mining professionals who are looking for fully-online & flexible training to keep their knowledge & skills up to date. Take this course to ensure you are performing at the highest level in your career.
8 mining industry experts as your instructors
You will have 8 highly qualified, mining industry experts as your instructors for this course. Each instructor brings a wealth of expertise from their respective fields and have spent countless hours developing these courses.
This course is ideal for all mining professionals who are looking for fully-online & flexible training to keep their knowledge & skills up to date. Take this course to ensure you are performing at the highest level in your career.
8 mining industry experts as your instructors
You will have 8 highly qualified, mining industry experts as your instructors for this course. Each instructor brings a wealth of expertise from their respective fields and have spent countless hours developing these courses.
MIMP has revolutionized mining education
Our courses offer highly specialized learning for mining professionals who wish to pursue continued education. Build on your existing knowledge and keep your skills up to date within the ever-changing mining industry. MIMP aims to equip the next generation of mining leaders with the knowledge and tools to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Registration Deadline For Next Offering:
August 15, 2025
Next Course Start Date:
September 6, 2025
Course Pricing:
$1695 CAD
Standard Pricing
Enrol now for the current offering of this course at the standard rate.
10% Discount
Enrol as a group of 3 or more and we will apply a discount of 10%. (conditions apply)
5% Discount
Enrol early for a future offering of this course for a 5% discount. (conditions apply)
View Next Offering
View our semester schedule to see when this course is offered next.
Meet Your Instructors
MIMP is proud to showcase a team of highly skilled instructors who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to our courses! Each instructor brings their own specialized skillset, offering invaluable perspectives and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the mining sector. Our students gain a competitive edge by learning from the very best in the field.
Module Breakdown
Module 1.1 - Mine Life Cycle
Instructor: Lawrence Devon Smith
Module Description: Examination of the life cycle of a project from the beginning of exploration through to the closure of the operating mine.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Examination of the life cycle of a project from the beginning of exploration through to the closure of the operating mine.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Outline an overview of the stages within the mine life cycle
- Identify other cycles related to mining
- Understand the need for mining in a green world
Module 1.2 - Studies & Reports
Instructor: Lawrence Devon Smith
Module Description: Review of the types and sequence of reports in the deveopment of a mining project.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Review of the types and sequence of reports in the deveopment of a mining project.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the sequence of principal evaluations study types in the mine life cycle.
- Recognize and differentiate between these study types.
- Appreciate the purpose of each study type
- Using study results to make decisions
- Cautionary advice
Module 1.3 – Cost Estimation
Instructor: Lawrence Devon Smith
Module Description: Provides an overview of the capital, operating and closure costs required for studies and project evaluations. Methods of costs estimation are presented and the associated project risks are discussed.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Provides an overview of the capital, operating and closure costs required for studies and project evaluations. Methods of costs estimation are presented and the associated project risks are discussed.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the principal types of project costs: Initial Capital, Operating, Sustaining Capital, Closure
- Explain the difference between various estimating methods
- Identify when to use various estimating methods
- Recognize and describe the principal cost components in an estimate or economic evaluation
- Determine the appropriate method of cost estimation for different levels of studies
- Comment on the quality and risks of different cost estimates
Module 2.0 – Mineral Waste & Closure
Instructor: Chris Kennedy
Module Description: An overview of metal leaching/acid rock drainage, and the when, how, and whys to begin to plan preventative measures at the exploration stage.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: An overview of metal leaching/acid rock drainage, and the when, how, and whys to begin to plan preventative measures at the exploration stage.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the basics of metal leaching and acid rock drainage
- Identify management strategies for mine waste risk in different stages in resource development
Module 3.0 – Industry Structure & Financing
Instructor: Jessie Liu-Ernsting
Module Description: Introduces the mining industry structure and financing options from an exploration stage perspective. Provides an overview of the topics expanded upon in the Economics & Finance Course.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Introduces the mining industry structure and financing options from an exploration stage perspective. Provides an overview of the topics expanded upon in the Economics & Finance Course.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the roles (explorer, developer, and producer) of mining companies at different levels and sizes
- Explain the general differences between financing methods and whom they apply to
Module 4.1 – Exploration Strategies
Instructor: Reno Pressacco
Module Description: Provides an overview of mineral exploration strategies and why mineral exploration is required. Greenfield and brownfield exploration and the role of major and junior companies in exploration will be discussed.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Provides an overview of mineral exploration strategies and why mineral exploration is required. Greenfield and brownfield exploration and the role of major and junior companies in exploration will be discussed.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain considerations and activities for green field exploration properties up to the discovery of potentially significant mineralization
- Describe the exploration cycles for the purposes of public disclosure of exploration results and implications
- Identify and select a market sector and commodity.
- Understand the typical progress for selecting an exploration strategy for a junior mining company
- Explain at what stage mining exploration programs occur in the mining life cycle
Module 4.2 – Exploration Methods
Instructor: Reno Pressacco
Module Description: Introduces mineral exploration sequences and different exploration methods including geophysical and geochemical methods and exploration drilling.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Introduces mineral exploration sequences and different exploration methods including geophysical and geochemical methods and exploration drilling.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the typical sequence of steps that are followed when carrying out an exploration program.
- Understanding the decision process for the selection of a mineral property.
- Describe the environmental and social considerations at the exploration stage.
- Describe different methods that are used in mineral exploration
Module 4.3 – Deposit Delineation
Instructor: Reno Pressacco
Module Description: An overview of orebody deliniation using exploration drilling and logging data will be provided.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: An overview of orebody deliniation using exploration drilling and logging data will be provided.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain procedures and considerations relating to deposit delineation activities which lead to a Mineral Resource estimate
- Interpret public disclosures related to post-discovery exploration program disclosure documents
Module 4.4 – Additional Topics
Instructor: Lawrence Devon Smith
Module Description: Digging deeper into geochemsitry and geophysics
Module Description: Digging deeper into geochemsitry and geophysics
Module 5.0 – MRMR Definitions
Instructor: Deborah McCombe
Module Description: An overview of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (MRMR) – the history and important terminology used in the remaining modules for disclosure. Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: An overview of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (MRMR) – the history and important terminology used in the remaining modules for disclosure. Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the importance of associations, standards, and codes
- Define important International and National MRMR Standards that are necessary for disclosure
- Outline where to find additional resources for future reporting and disclosure
Module 6.1 – Mineral Resource Estimation
Instructor: Aaron McMahon
Module Description: Provides an overview on how the exploration drilling data can be converted to 3D resource models.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Provides an overview on how the exploration drilling data can be converted to 3D resource models.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Articulate the value of a resource model as a decision-making tool
- Understand the construction of a Mineral Resource Statement
- Describe various approaches to modeling MRD data
Module 6.2 – Mineral Resource Estimation II
Instructor: Aaron McMahon
Module Description: The second part of this module will delve deeper into techniques for analyzing exploration data, and approaches to expressing that analysis through modeling.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: The second part of this module will delve deeper into techniques for analyzing exploration data, and approaches to expressing that analysis through modeling.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the contents of a clean Mineral Resource Database (MRD)
- Recognize approaches to analyzing MRD data
Module 7.0 – Mineral Reserve Estimation
Instructor: Brian Buss
Module Description: Once we’ve got a resource, how do we turn it into a reserve? This module provides an overview of what factors are considered in establishing reserves and how to quantify them. An explanation and example for calculating cut-off grade is also provided in this module.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Once we’ve got a resource, how do we turn it into a reserve? This module provides an overview of what factors are considered in establishing reserves and how to quantify them. An explanation and example for calculating cut-off grade is also provided in this module.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain key terms related to Resources and Reserves
- Understand the limitations of Mineral Reserve Statements
- List and apply Modifying Factors considered in converting Resources to Reserves
- Understand the definition of Ore and the Concept of Cut-Off
- Describe key steps in the Reserves Estimation Process (linear and parallel processes)
Module 8.0 – Disclosure Frameworks
Instructor: James Whyte
Module Description: Taught from the regulator’s perspective, this module will cover the important rules of disclosure, discuss liability, and provide cautionary notes and red flags to avoid.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Taught from the regulator’s perspective, this module will cover the important rules of disclosure, discuss liability, and provide cautionary notes and red flags to avoid.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Explain how mining is regulated in Canada and list the main rules
- Describe principles of National Instrument 43-101 and the Mining Disclosure Rule
- Utilize the form 43-101 F1 to produce technical reports
- Utilize CIM Best Practices, avoid pitfalls, and identify red flags
Module 9.0 – Valuing Exploration Properties
Instructor: Lawrence Devon Smith
Module Description: Overview of the three Approaches to valuation and how they are applied to mineral properties and projects.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Module Description: Overview of the three Approaches to valuation and how they are applied to mineral properties and projects.
Module Learning Outcomes:
- Understand that different valuation approaches and methods used at different stages of a project.
- Interpret worked examples of the application of different methods.
- Explain the benefits and issues for these methods.
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