U of T's Online Mining Courses

Environmental, Social & Governance




Learning Hours



Course Description

As the global mining industry evolves, there is an increasing recognition of the importance of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in shaping its future. This course provides a comprehensive exploration of sustainable mining practices, focusing on integrating ESG considerations into mining operations. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how responsible mining can contribute to environmental conservation, social well-being, and overall corporate governance.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Elaborate on the essential procedures required to secure regulatory and societal approval prior to the commencement of mining operations.
  • Recognize the diverse stakeholders involved in mining projects and delineate their respective roles and interests.
  • Explore strategies for soliciting input from stakeholders, fostering effective communication, and incorporating their perspectives into decision-making processes.
  • Outline the internal and external tools employed to oversee and transparently disclose Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data and initiatives within mining operations.
  • Scrutinize key factors influencing the environmental and social acceptability of mining endeavors, assessing their impact on project sustainability.
  • Identify and appraise various frameworks established to guide responsible mining practices, emphasizing their role in fostering ethical and sustainable approaches to mining.
Course Delivery
This course is fully-online, giving you the flexbility to learn remotely or from mine sites. You will be given 10 months (300 days) from your registration date to complete the modules. Expect to dedicate at least 35-40 hours to complete all materials in this course.

 Certificate in Environment, Social & Governance in Mining
The University of Toronto, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering will issue this certificate upon course completion. With this certificate, you can maximize your career potential by applying the knowledge you’re gaining to your workplace and mine sites.
Who should take this course?
The course is designed for mining professionals, environmentalists, corporate leaders, and policymakers who seek to deepen their understanding of sustainable mining practices and integrate ESG principles into their decision-making processes.

11 mining industry experts as your instructors
You will have 11 highly qualified, mining industry experts as your instructors for this course. Each instructor brings a wealth of expertise from their respective fields and have spent countless hours developing these courses.

MIMP has revolutionized mining education
Our courses offer highly specialized learning for mining professionals who wish to pursue continued education. Build on your existing knowledge and keep your skills up to date within the ever-changing mining industry. MIMP aims to equip the next generation of mining leaders with the knowledge and tools to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Registration Deadline For Next Offering:

December 15, 2025

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Next Course Start Date:

January 6, 2026

Course Pricing:

$1695 CAD

Standard Pricing

Enrol now for the current offering of this course at the standard rate.

10% Discount

Enrol as a group of 3 or more and we will apply a discount of 10%. (conditions apply)

5% Discount

Enrol early for a future offering of this course for a 5% discount. (conditions apply)

View Next Offering

View our semester schedule to see when this course is offered next.

Meet Your Instructors

MIMP is proud to showcase a team of highly skilled instructors who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to our courses! Each instructor brings their own specialized skillset, offering invaluable perspectives and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the mining sector. Our students gain a competitive edge by learning from the very best in the field.

Module Breakdown

Module 1.0 - Introduction to Sustainability and ESG for Mining
Instructor: Monica Ospina

Module Description: The purpose of this module is to explain what is Environmental and Social Governance, and why it is vital for the mining industry to embrace ESG in order to achieve better performance.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the global geo-political and socioeconomic dynamics in relation to the development of the mining industry, and why sustainability and ESG are fundamental to be at the core of mining companies strategy
  • Assess fundamentals around Human Rights, Indigenous Rights and SDGs as global frameworks that should be taken in consideration in the operation of mining companies
  • Comprehend the analysis about conflict and mining
Module 2.1 - Environmental Impact Assessments
Instructor: Stephane Robert

Module Description: This module provides an introduction to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for mining project development.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the major concepts involved in EIA and what is an environmental impact
  • Historical background: Understand the origin of the EIA process
  • Develop an understanding of why EIAs are required, what they are meant to accomplish (and what not)
  • Understand at a high level the standard approach for the performance of an EIA
  • Understand why a project was approved or rejected
Module 2.2 - Social Impact Assessments
Instructor: Monica Ospina

Module Description: Provides an overview of the capital, operating and closure costs required for studies and project evaluations. Methods of costs estimation are presented and the associated project risks are discussed.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the purpose and importance of social impact assessments (SIAs) in the mining industry.
  • Analyze the methodologies and tools used to conduct social impact assessments, including stakeholder engagement, data collection, and impact analysis.
  • Evaluate case studies and real-world examples to identify the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of mining projects on local communities.
  • Develop skills in interpreting and communicating SIA findings to stakeholders, including community members, government agencies, and investors.
  • Explore strategies for integrating SIA findings into project planning and decision-making processes to enhance social license to operate and promote sustainable development.
Module 3.1 - Indigenous Relations
Instructor: Jason Rasevych/Monica Ospina

Module Description: This module explores the principles of Indigenous relations within the ESG framework for mining, emphasizing respectful engagement, sustainable practices, and the integration of traditional knowledge in project development.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the historical and cultural context of indigenous peoples’ relationships with mining activities.
  • Explore the legal frameworks, such as Indigenous land rights and consultation requirements, that govern mining projects in indigenous territories.
  • Analyze case studies and examples of successful and unsuccessful engagement with indigenous communities in mining projects.
  • Develop strategies for building constructive relationships and fostering mutual understanding between mining companies and indigenous communities.
  • Evaluate the social, environmental, and economic impacts of mining on indigenous communities and explore approaches to mitigate negative effects and enhance benefits.
Module 3.2 - Community Relations
Instructor: Monica Ospina

Module Description: This module provides an introduction to community relations as part of social management and why is strategic to secure operational efficiency.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the importance of community relations in the mining industry and its impact on project success.
  • Analyze various stakeholder engagement strategies used by mining companies to build positive relationships with local communities.
  • Evaluate case studies and examples of effective community relations practices and their outcomes in mining projects.
  • Develop skills in conflict resolution and negotiation to address community concerns and grievances related to mining activities.
Module 4.0 - Management Systems
Instructor: Silvana Costa/Stephane Robert

Module Description: The course will introduce the students to the concept of management systems. A Management System is a way of doing things involving people, resources and procedures designed to improve business performances, manage the risks associated with your activities and earn the trust of your stakeholders

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • List different types of management systems and their applicability/how to use them
  • Understand the value of management systems, the key principles, plan, do, check, act, and why we are using the value, the key aspects of it
Module 5.0 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Instructor: Julie Rachynski

Module Description: Introduction to elements of process design and implementation, business needs and Canadian themes

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the link between diversity and inclusion and human rights, and be able to define both concepts and its affiliations
  • Understand what DEI is and why it is an increasingly important mining company theme. (Organizational benefits: financial, culture, team, performance / productivity)
  • Understand current and future trends, and tools to undertand and manage key Canadian diversity themes
  • List the metrics by which companies D&I performance are assessed
  • Understand basic management approaches to addressing and leveraging DEI to meet stakeholder needs and improve the business
Module 6.0 - Data Collection for Sustainability & ESG Reporting
Instructor: Louise Grondin

Module Description: General understanding of its origin, the elements considered under ESG, the main stakeholders and the data disclosure processes.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand why sustainability and ESG data is now important for companies, and the various international and national frameworks that are governing its disclosure.
  • Understand what type of data is collected.
  • Understand who the major stakeholders are and what they are interested in.
  • Understand how ESG performance is assessed based on the data, including standards.
  • Understand the major disclosure mechanism.
Module 7.1 - Risk and Critical Infrastructure
Instructor: Karen Chovan

Module Description: This module will provide a general understanding of types of critical infrastructure and their related physical and governance systems, how risks are first reduced and then managed through lifecycle stages, and key elements to consider for stakeholder

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Explain procedures and considerations relating to deposit delineation activities which lead to a Mineral Resource estimate
  • Interpret public disclosures related to post-discovery exploration program disclosure documents
  • Understand the range and variability of critical infrastructure, and that these are systems, not just standalone elements that need to be managed effectively
  • Understand why improvements need to be made and some of the objectives they might target as a result
  • Understand basic risk terminology & elements of risk management
  • Understand the complexity of management systems for critical infrastructure and the rigour that needs to go into maintaining safety of these systems
  • Reflect on solutions in early phases of planning for mines
Module 7.2 - Water Management
Instructor: Kristin Pouw

Module Description: Understand the essentials of integrated mine water management.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the key elements of mine water management planning
  • Understand requirements for characterizing water resources
  • Understand key concepts for water balances and water reporting
  • Understand common mine water quality issues and management and treatment approaches
  • Understand water risk management, including climate change related risk
Module 8.0 - Climate Change Challenges for Mining Projects
Instructor: Mohammed Ali

Module Description: Understand the challenges that climate change pose to mining projects, including the effects of mining on climate change and the effects of climate change on mining and what is expected from mining companies in that area.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the types of GHG emissions
  • Understand climate change risks as they pertain to mining
  • Understand disclosure requirements
  • Understand the elements in a typical roadmap to net zero
Module 9.1 Mine Closure
Instructor: Louise Grondin

Module Description: This module explores the mine closure planning and its integration in a mine life cycle. Legacy mining sites will be discussed along with elements of closure planning and execution. Regulatory requirements and financial framework for mine closure will be introduced. Industry standards for mine closure planning will be presented including International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Guidelines and ISO 21795-1 Mine Closure and Reclamation Planning. Through case studies and analysis, participants will gain insights into major considerations for successful mine closure will be discussed.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the historical context of mine closure
  • Understand how mine closure planning is integrated in a mine life cycle
Module 9.2 - Case Study
Instructor: Veronika Raizman

Module Description: This module will present closure planning and objectives for two case studies in Canada and Australia.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Analyze real-world case studies to understand the regulatory framework governing mine closure planning activities in a specific jurisdiction.
Module 10.0 - Governance & Reporting
Instructor: Maureen Jensen

Module Description: This module explores the governance framework within the mining industry, offering participants insights into key stakeholders and their roles. Participants will gain an understanding of the responsibilities of boards of directors, CEOs, and C-suite executives. Additionally, discussions will cover regulations imposed by securities commissions, rules governing listing on stock exchanges, and Canadian public disclosure requirements. Specific attention will be given to mining-related regulations, as well as governance practices related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and materiality assessment.

Module Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand what Governance is and why it is important
  • Understand the role of the board
  • Understand the role of the CEO and C-Suite
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